After Sun – 4 Tipps für die Pflege nach dem Sonnenbad


The more the sun shines, the greater our desire to go outside. This makes proper sun care all the more important, because even if the right sunscreen has been used and sunburn prevented, the skin is still very stressed after sunbathing.

Here are our 4 favourite tips for after sun care:

Tip 1: Cool down
After extensive sunbathing, it is advisable to first go into the shade or take a shower. Lukewarm water is best. Hot or cold water shocks the skin and can delay recovery. To avoid irritation, be careful not to rub the skin dry, but rather gently pat it dry with a towel.

Tip 2: Care from within
The right diet also plays a major role. Fruits and vegetables that contain vitamins and secondary plant substances are particularly helpful in regenerating the skin. Carrots, for example, balance the beta-carotene content of the skin. The more you are exposed to the sun, the more fluids you should also consume, as most fluids are lost through the skin.

Tip 3: Moisture, moisture, moisture
Did you know that Less is More BODY CREAM is the perfect post-sun moisturizer? The intensely hydrating body cream refreshes the skin and restores a wonderfully supple, relaxed feeling to the skin. Aloe vera has a moisturizing effect and supports cell renewal. The cooling and skin-soothing effect pampers the skin after a day in the sun. Cocoa butter supports collagen synthesis and the skin's barrier function. Rich in vitamin E, omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids, the cold-pressed organic plant oils (jojoba oil, coconut oil and hemp oil) also ideally protect the skin from external influences. Best massaged into slightly damp skin after showering or bathing to retain moisture in the skin.

Tip 4: Treat yourself to some time off
It's never a good idea to expose already damaged skin to more sun. So, protect your skin from further sun exposure, because after sunbathing your skin can be sensitive, some even develop sun allergies. To prevent further skin irritation, you should also avoid shaving or waxing after sunbathing.